Pine Ridge Occupation Peoples Grass Roots Oyate January 16, 2000 Until we Win |
Here are the letters of support to the Grass Roots Oyate I have received I will add more as I clean out my email
From those of us who can not be there physically prayers
are being said. Also, when distance is an issue, would it be possible to find out if the
Judge has an e-mail address. During the recent problems in Washington I was able to
find the e-mail addresses for city officials as well as the police department and voiced
my opinion there as well. Those e-mails (meaning from many individuals) must have
made an impact since responses were received very quickly. The fact that national attention is being brought to this situation might also be a help coupled with e-mails from a variety of people. Also, sent your well written statement on to the white house as well. Walk in peace, Joanne I am not able to come to South Dakota. I am sending my prayers for a good and safe outcome. I am forwarding your posts about this matter to my village, South East Kituwa Nation. Many of our warriors are very interested in this and may be sending goods, and perhaps planning to come. I have seen much interest among our people. We are a Tsalagi village, and do consider you brothers because you have had to fight injustices as we have. Our village wishes you well, and that you all will be safe. TsiskwaDikanogi AniTsiskwa (Bird Clan) Clan Mother I just wanted to send an email of support for what the people of Pine Ridge are doing. I am from San Carlos and one of the founders of our local Call to Action group. It was a real eye opener in 1998 to find out what lengths our Tribal Council would take to rid itself of the "troublemakers" whose simple question of accountability could not be answered. The actions at Pine Ridge are dejavoux (<-spelling????). We also had the BIA, DOJ, FBI, Congressmen, Representatives, and news media involved, however, AIM - an admirable association was invited at the request of our people, they championed our people to overcome oppression and rid them of the fear to stand up for what is right. I give much credit to Arizona AIM for coming to assist us day or night. It was from our own inside, that the association with Arizona AIM was destroyed - by giving them false information and having them put it on the internet - this prompted the Tribal Council to file restraining order after restraining order to keep AIM off the reservation, in the end they stayed away and the people continued the struggle, but now much stronger. What the events led to was the creation of a new constitution which had been put on the back burner for a couple of years, that is now what we hope to accomplish in 2000, by petitioning to the people. We need 3000 signatures and we are at the half way point, however this will take our total government apart and rebuild it to include safeguards against the people. The constitution at this point seems to be a document that has been treaded on for years, allowing abuse of power, corruption, misuse of funds and no checks and balances for our people. The realm of sovereignty has not been tested and our US Govt. found a way to not only oppress our people through the BIA but also through our own elected officials. We Indian People are strong in spirit mind and body, above all we are survivors. The occupation is a battle of many that Indian people must go through to win our overall war for our Nations to achieve success and harmony with each other. More and more, all Nations are joining each other in support of the people's cause... I encourage your people to stay strong, our elders are counting on us to make a difference so our children can be raised to be proud of who they are and truly make a difference for other generations to come. Your story needs to be told from the inside, just as ours and many others must come out. History is in the making today - and like I always say - "These are the good ole days", make the most out of your situation and look at it as your opportunity to do more!!!! Gail Haozous Call to Action San Carlos Apache Tribe Dear Wild Horse and Grass Roots Oyate at Pine Ridge We all know how difficult it is to get changes made to an established "system" that doesn't want to see change. I know the Grass Roots Oyate were driven to take the measures you have taken. Obviously, this did not build up overnight. To the rest of the prayers being made on behalf of your people at this time, I add mine. I hope for the best possible outcome for all. I see that the court order was given as requested yesterday, and that must be somewhat encouraging. I hope for continued success as you deal with Congress. I will try to fax to the number published on the SierraTimes web page, as requested; however, my fax doesn't always work. Therefore, I am sending this e-mail to you, to be printed out if you wish and used in place of a fax, if and when needed. Upon learning of the difficulties confronted by the Sioux at Pine Ridge, I have e-mailed and phoned all of the people I know here in Sacramento, CA, and all over the country (thanks to the Internet) to keep a prayerful regard for the situation you are in. We all wish you a safe, peaceful and speedy settlement of the issues concerned. Please keep us posted as to the developments in this extraordinary situation. You are dear to our hearts. Very best regards, Jenny Evans In case no one said it to you, I want to thank you for your tireless effort to keep the updates rolling. It means allot to those of us with friends there. My sisters, myself and my staff here at Star Hawks want to thank you... with respect mitakuye oyasin Cheri From: Wolf Morris THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO THINK WE SHOULDN'T GET INVOLVED I spent three months on Pine Ridge Reservation. I know this is not a lot of time, but in this time I saw and heard many things. I marched with the elders and the people the first time they marched on the council building. I heard a contractor say to the council members that he had to let his men go because they were giving the jobs to outside contractors. I heard elderly women and men complaining about lack of funds to help them in their everyday living. I know this article is about Rosebud but it sounds just like Pine Ridge. This is why Dale Looks Twice and the people are doing what they are. If you lived there you would know this and if this was in your back yard you would want people to get involved. Wolf M Hau Wild Horse; Could you forward this e-mail to my uncle Oliver whenever you can get access to their e-mail? I would like to thank you for the updates on the situation at Pine Ridge you are truly a warrior for the people. Please relate in your e-mail to my uncle Oliver that I am in contact with my cousin Lulu and I am very proud of him and all the supporters. We are presently contacting the media here in Denmark and we will send you any related stories on the situation at Pine Ridge and send all comments from the people of Scandinavia. Also tell him I will be coming home around the end of February and I will be bringing media people with me. Haho! Mitakuye Oyasin and Pila miyelo' my Brother Sincerely Marianne & Hakikta My prayers go out to the traditional people who want a change in their government. Don't give up and your efforts will help eventually and hopefully will clean up the mess those selfish so called "elected" representatives caused. You need the support of your tribal people and elders. You do need an attorney to represent you in court, however. Your requests is being heard. Keep calling attorneys to get referrals until you find someone that knows Indian law. Ahoh from Kiowa country The power of the peace I visited your web site... I saw the two teepees and that said to me " we are in two camps." I've also noticed that you say on each web page.... Until we win. I believe that when we step up to ourselves and say that we are not willing to finish the assimilation process by oppressing each other.... and when we say to our fellow community members, family and friends "we will no longer be oppressed by ANYONE"..... and when we look into our own eyes and see the unborn and the old timers.... Weve won. Waweeyis Greetings from Alaska, A personal message to all the people that are standing up for their rights, I am behind you all the way!!! Ever since this occupation started, I have said a prayer on your behalf that Creator would give you the strength to hold out until justice has prevailed. Also that He would give you the wisdom to say the right things and make the wisest of decisions. I am Metis, but my heart stands strong with the descendants of my ancestors and my heart weeps every day for the horrible conditions that must be endured on the reservations today. Again, my prayers are with you each and every day, Be strong and wise with the Creators guidance. Robert "Two Bears" Kelsey "Siyo I would love to help in any way possible and although Im pretty far from the current situation in Pine Ridge (Im situated in Sydney Australia) I have been found to be allot of help to other causes as I have the ability to be heard when I speak. I write both for a number of Austrian suburban papers and online issues and would like to do what I can to be of help in any way... Good luck from all native Americans and friends situated upon this isle called Australia, and prayers will be said Wado Marianne Huizer I wish to let you know that I am praying for you all. We sang for you and will continue to support in any way possible. I have been contacting CNN and trying to shame them into covering this issue. The ramifications there are no different than Waco or the riots in LA. I feel that if this was a black issue it would have been solved by now. I am Shawnee and will help when needed. Please contact me when you are ready. Tony J I have been receiving forwards of the press releases regarding Pine Ridge. Thank you for the information. Our prayers are with you for a peaceful resolution to the difficulties that you are experiencing there. God blesses you all in your struggle for justice and truth. Carolyn O'siyo Soquili Gehyatahi, Dohitsu? Osigwuu nihi na, Osda dv. I am of AniTsiskwa, South East Kituwah Nation. I am glad to meet you. Vv. It is important to help all of our brothers and sisters of whatever nation because we all have been perpetrated upon by the yonega. TsiskwaDikanogi AniTsiskwa SKN We are a great distance from you, impossible to get there to help. What can we do from here to help? Will be glad to do calls, contacts, whatever, we are here to support in any way that we can and are able to do. In solidarity, N.L. Reynolds Unfortunately, I do not live in your area. However, I have some contacts that may be able to help. Please let me know what you need or want so I can try to send help. Alijandra Mogilner Hau Wild Horse; Could you forward this e-mail to my uncle Oliver whenever you can get access to their e-mail? I would like to thank you for the updates on the situation at Pine Ridge you are truly a warrior for the people. Please relate in your e-mail to my uncle Oliver that I am in contact with my cousin Lulu and I am very proud of him and all the supporters. We are presently contacting the media here in Denmark and we will send you any related stories on the situation at Pine Ridge and send all comments from the people of Scandinavia. Also tell him I will be coming home around the end of February and I will be bringing media people with me. Haho! Mitakuye Oyasin and Pila miyelo' my Brother Sincerely Marianne & Hakikta Dear Brother I have been following quite closely what is going on there. We are sending prayers for peace and safety. I did a pipe ceremony last night and prayed giving tobacco offerings for most of the night. I am sad that the Grand Mother was hurt. I am sad for all of those who are being hurt. It will be good when all of this ends and the songs of peace can be heard again. It is sad that family's hurt each other. I will be a long time before the hurts will heal but be confident that all of this is going to be worked out in a good way. Peace, Wado, Minko, Isi Chito Humma Ah-ho, I have enjoyed your timely posts. Is there a more definitive statement about David Seals? He claims to speak for the traditional Oyate on many subjects and signs himself Black Hills AIM. If he does not speak for the people they should put out a statement exposing him because he seems to be all over the internet, particularly about Anna Mae Aquash. Also when you talk to the protesters would you tell them that Carter Camp and Oklahoma AIM is supporting them and praying with them. If the shit hits the fan and they need warriors we'll come. Thank you, Carter O,syio My Brothers and Sisters: Even though I am of the Cherokee Heritage I am behind you 100%. Carry on the good works. I pray the Creator watch over all of you and keep you safe and that the government will adhere to the Grass Root Oyate and respect them. Even though we are of different tribes we the Native Americans need to stand together in these times. Syio Beverly/ Northern Cherokee Nation Thank you for setting this list up. Even though I have no direct link to the activities in question, I am always concerned when people are demonized for wanting to make things better for themselves. However, as a University of South Dakota grad, I went to school with some Lakota tribe members. They were good people and I enjoyed working with them. However, I am also concerned with what our government might try and do with this situation. Their agendas are not the same as ours and their goals and objectives often counter what we know to be right and true. They shall have my prayers. Prof. Tom Mack Osyio, This is Vice Chief Wolf with the Smokey Mountain Band of the Southern Cherokee Nation, please let me know what I can do to try and help my brothers and sisters I will try and contact as many people it takes to resolve this situation. Walk in Peace and Balance, Wolf My brother- I and my wife are non-Indians in California. We do, however, follow the old ways of those who came to this land before us and are the hereditary caretakers of it. It saddens me to not be in a position to travel to your reservation and assist in whatever way possible. But know, my brother, you and your people will be in our prayers. Grandfather, watch over my brothers and sisters. Ho. Lightwalker Many people I have talked to here in Wales about this send you their prayers and hope that all goes well at Pine Ridge. Good luck, take care, keep us posted; we are rooting for you. Morfydd Hope you are okay. I know you are really busy...But...thoughts and prayers for you and crew. Many Blessings, to you and your families... Tz Osiyo Brother Wild Horse, Even though I am far away in Alabama my heart is with you and the people in the Red Cloud Building as are my prayers. May the Creator Watch over and protect the people as he has done in the past and allow no harm to come to them. Shadow Hawk They are wonderful!!!!!!! I am so proud of that grass roots group......... Toksa ake Erth Osiyo! I received word of the situation up there from Susan Casady. I am of the Rappahannock Nation, and my husband is Cherokee (he is also the Executive Director of the State of Tennessee Commission of Indian Affairs, and past president of the Alliance for Native American Rights). My oldest daughter has many relatives up in Pine Ridge(Max Bear was her uncle and Valerie Mills is her aunt), so I count the People as my family. Please know that we are praying for the People, and tell me what I can do for my relatives up there. Whenever I think of the Land and the People, I see such a stronghold of fear and oppression that the Earth cries out in agony and prays for release from the defilement's which have been poured out on her. Since we Indian people are so very much part of the Earth, her pain becomes ours . . and her release and purification becomes ours as well. I follow the Tsisa Way and pray in the traditional ways of my people, praying for all Creation, praying for all hearts to receive The Creator's Word, His peace and freedom. I know that not all of us follow Tsisa, but we all seek The Creator. Please give our relatives up there our greetings and tell them that we pray for their safety and encouragement, for we understand that they struggle against not only people with evil hearts but also the powerful and dangerous spirit forces directing those people. My heart fears for the People, and yet sings a song of hope as well. Creator loves us and has preserved us through so much, and is raising us up despite all of the forces conspiring to destroy us. Wado for the chance to pray for our brothers and sisters, to stand with them in the Circle. With much love, Allison Shaw Wolf Clan of the Rappahannock Nation Looks like you are doing a fine job there. What kind of help do you need? Edd Tuttle Channel 6 News, Southern California How can I help? Please tell me so I may pass the word on. I will forward this information on to as many people as I can. Would it help to call local government offices, I really don't know what to do to help. I was invited to Sundance there in 1994 by Cam Lao Nightchase, I was with 3 other women. If I can be of service, I will help. Kat The power of the peace I visited your web site... I saw the the two teepees and that said to me " we are in two camps." I've also noticed that you say on each web page.... until we win. I believe that when we step up to ourselves and say that we are not willing to finish the assimilation process by oppressing each other .... and when we say to our fellow community members, family and friends "we will no longer be oppressed by ANYONE"..... and when we look into our own eyes and see the unborn and the old timers.... we've won. Waweeyis Greetings from Alaska, A personal message to all the people that are standing up for their rights, I am behind you all the way !!! Ever since this occupation started, I have said a prayer on your behalf that Creator would give you the strength to hold out until justice has prevailed. Also that He would give you the wisdom to say the right things and make the wisest of decisions. I am Metis, but my heart stands strong with the descendants of my ancestors and my heart weeps every day for the horrible conditions that must be endured on the reservations today. Again, my prayers are with you each and every day, Be strong and wise with the Creators guidance. Robert "Two Bears" Kelsey I wish to let you know that I am praying for you all. We sang for you and will continue to support in any way possible. I have been contacting CNN and trying to shame them into covering this issue. The ramifications there are no different than Waco or the riots in LA. I feel that if this were a black issue it would have been solved by now. I am Shawnee and will help when needed. Please contact me when you are ready. Tony J I have been receiving forwards of the press releases regarding Pine Ridge. Thank you for the information. Our prayers are with you for a peaceful resolution to the difficulties that you are experiencing there. God bless you all in your struggle for justice and truth. Carolyn I am a Maliseet sister living in Canada, I received your email and I am wondering how can I assist you, I have contacts to the war chiefs in our districts and I am wondering how far this is going to go. I need to know what is going on down there and what I can do for my brothers and sisters in Pine Ridge. I am a descendant of an AIM member and I believe in your cause. Please respond as soon as possible so that I may get right into action for your request for support. Terry Hi there you do not know me but may I say I have tried to understand the Native Us people for many years.. I am Scots from Scotland in the UK we also were sold (down the river )by the forces who wanted to exterminate us all for wearing Kilts and the color Tartan.. I now live in Wales in a wee valley called Rose Valley and I stand with you in all that you do for your lovely people Bri Please know that prayers and blessings are with you from other Nations....I thank you for again keeping us informed.... Nia:wen Quartz Hello from California! I am saddened that there isn't any coverage at all. I had to tell some of my Lakota friends out here that this was even happening! Stay strong! You have the prayers of many people, nations, and races... Topaz 1223 We have gotten down-wind of the events surrounding Pine Ridge! As an older/elderly person you all are in our ceremonial prayers! I will be doing a sage-sweet-grass ceremony for all to be-well at Pine Ridge! It is my Micmac-way! May the Great Spirit be with you all! Three Feathers Micmac First Nation, Canada I will continue to ask Creator to remove Chuck Jacobs and his reign of terror against the People. Rev. NaNe Dancing MoonBeam We all support you and wish we could be there to help in your efforts for justice. May Creator bless and protect all of you..... In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse, ~Carol~ Bend, Oregon Keep up the good work. I hope that you will be able to make the Tribal Council account for all the money that rightfully belongs to your tribe. God be with you Jeff Grage Simi Valley, California I am surprised at the lack of media coverage on your fight for justice. If you were any other group this would be front page news. My best wishes and hopes for your success are sent with this letter. Charles Barton I live in a small town in West Virginia. I am part Cherokee. And am very upset by the fact, that here in WV, we receive no news on such things. How can I help spread the word about what is happening there in Pine Ridge? I will do what I can to help out. I will continue to pray to the Great Spirit to keep all my brothers and sisters safe. Rain My prayers go out to the people at Pine Ridge. Kiowa Sister Brothers and Sisters, I support you efforts to uncover these corrupt leaders. I ask that you keep peace in your heart for these people. Too much of our blood and tears have been shed over the past 500 years. We, as a people, must learn the lessons our Creator puts in our path, and these lessons must be used to bring about the balance our mother earth cries out for. Respectfully, DeDe Cherokee From deep in the Southwest, my sympathies and support are with you. Though the blood of my fathers has been washed and mixed by inter-racial marriages with the White ancestors of my mothers side (and even my father's side), my heart remains Indian and proud. The time has come for native peoples to stand strong on their traditions and to cast their support for others who suffer daily from the abuses of a modern world. Little does the world know that the answers to our future lie deep within our past. May you find the strength to forge ahead with your convictions and determination. Though I am so terribly far removed from my Cherokee birthrights (having been raised as White in an all-white system), I struggle each day to recapture the spirit of my ancestors, and for this reason I have been led to write you in support of your current struggle. Tell the people there they have support from at least one-lost Indian living in the deserts of New Mexico. Keep the faith and fight the fight of of ancestors. Peace! Logan Hawkes I hope the Grass Roots Oyate succeed in there occupation of the tribal office and stop the robbing of the Lakota people its been going on for far to long. living in England there is no info on the news, which is nothing new, if it is not to much trouble please could you keep me informed of what is happening on Pine Ridge and how the Grass Root Oyate are getting on. Thanks for your time, Arron Halito! Hau Kola! In support of what you are doing! May the Great Spirit be with you Imola, Gayle I admire you for standing up for something that you believe in. I hope that you are able to keep things peaceful...and at the same time get your message across. I don't know what I can do from here. But I am holding you all in my prayers from over here on the Little Buffalo a remote spot in the Ozark Mountains. Daily I am listening to my tree friends crash to their death as someone is logging 80 acres on a steep slope across the river from me. We all face many difficulties with the state of the world and in these times. But there are many new connections being made. Stand strong and with spirit. Ann Dear friends, You all are in my prayers each day. I pray that you will continue to stand strong and that you will receive all the help you need. There are many of us out here that pray for a peaceful time and also that those who have been so greedy are held accountable. But most of all I hope you will accomplish exactly what you desire. God bless you in your stand, Pat My name is George DeDominicis,(Wolf Talker), from Conneticut. I started my first Sun Dance this past year at Porcupine and have also tried to assist the People of the Pine Ridge as best that I could. I would like all of my GrandFathers, Uncles, Brothers, Sisters and Children to know that I am using my cannupa for your safety and success. My prayers and hart are with All of you. Mitakue Oyasin Wolf Talker Osiyo Wild Horse, I had no idea things were as bad as you say, I only hope and pray this can be solved in a honorable manor. To those who are responsible for any wrong doing's, should have the decency, and honesty, to their fellow tribal brothers and sisters, and to the Creator, to cleanse their Heart, and step down from any position that they may hold. It is a Terrible thing when a few of our Family think that they can make their own rules, and put their Brothers and Sisters in the way of any unwanted situations. As a Nation and that is what we are, our Hearts beat as one. Love Cherokee Lee Hau wopila! I support the Tokala's call for abolishing the IRA and demanding return of Traditional government. That's more like it. And Floyd Hand's plans for sovereignty and more thoughts about the need for discussion of 'Traditional Economic Renewal'. And it's good to hear the 7 Council Fires will be there this weekend. I will pass on this news to my Cheyenne relatives, and the other signatory Nations of the 1851 Fort Laramie Treaty, who are watching the events in Pine Ridge closely. Kh:we, David Seals Hi, I'm from Arizona and I want to send my message of support to Grass Roots Oyate, as
also to all injusticed Oglala people. I've been praying that the victory comes in a
peaceful way to all. I don't want to tell my race, because it doesn't matter. In my heart
and soul, though, I can say I am Native American. And I admire and love very much the
Lakota people. I admire your leaders from the past, Chiefs Crazy Horse and Red Cloud,
their only purpose was the good for their people. And I also admire those that today fight
against their struggles, specially being peaceful. May the Great Spirit guide all the
Oglala people (and Blessings, |