At this moment the American flag flying over the Oglala Lakota Nation's Tribal Office is
flying upside down as a signal of distress. At two p.m. A group of Tribal members occupied
the Housing Authority Office, the Tribal Office, and will shortly be en-route to the OLN
Department of Public Safety Building to occupy it. The group is led by Traditional Chief,
Oliver Red Cloud and other Traditional elders and leaders. In an statement broadcast over
KILI radio several minutes ago, Dale Looks Twice said they were going to occupy the Tribal
Office and forbid entry to any Tribal Councilman or Executive Board member. Dale said
records were being confiscated and turned over to the FBI for review and investigation and
they expect the same will occur at the Tribal Office and the Department of Public Safety.
The OLN Department of Public Safety will not become involved in the situation, according
to a spokesman for Public Safety as stated by the DJ at KILI radio.