Pine Ridge Occupation Peoples Grass Roots Oyate January 16, 2000 Until we Win |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 5, 2000 The peaceful monitoring of the Red Cloud Building in Pine Ridge has now reached 202 days. No negotiations are foreseen and the Grass Roots Oyate still maintain their sovereignty. The devious corrupt Oglala Sioux Tribal Council and their followers have made many threats to physically remove the peaceful monitors; to date, they have been unsuccessful. The latest attempt was on July 17th, 2000 when the corrupt OST Council passes a resolution to remove the monitors within then (10) days of the date the resolution was passed. The OST Council did once again direct the BIA/OST Department of Public Safety to storm the Red Cloud Building and remove the Oyate, but the Department of Public Safety ignored the OST Council action. From January 16th, 2000 to the present, the peaceful monitoring did uncover the corruption within tribal government corruption now and since the inception of the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. This corruption is not only here on the Pine Ridge Reservation, but throughout Indian country under the trust responsibility of an organization established to oversee tribal government the Department of Interior/Bureau of Indian Affairs. After the completion of the OST General Fund and Indirect Cost audits, it is reveled that this once great Lakota Nation is down on its knees financially. However, we remain standing strong on our spirituality and on our status as a sovereign nation. Currently, the Grass Roots Oyate are moving toward a change that will be beneficial to the Oyate rather than to/for the election officials. There is a positive move to relinquish us as a sovereign nation from the IRA form of government to return to our traditional laws and to the values our ancestors once lived by. We, the Grass Roots Oyate, will not vacate the Red Cloud Building under any circumstance until our demands are met and a different form of government is in place. A message from the Tokalas: No Negotiations-No Compromise-No Secret Deals! Hecetu yelo! For more information, please call Dale Looks Twice, Grass Roots Oyate Media Coordinator, at 605-867-5821 or 867-5303. Mitakuye Oyasin. As with all my emails concerning the Occupation Peoples please forward
to any and all interested parties in its entirety |